Sarjana Muda Rekabentuk dalam Media Baharu Dengan Kepujian
Sinopsis Program
The Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication & New Media with Honours programme provides students with an understanding of the complexity of the local and international creative industry, multidisciplinary skills and the ability to critically examine the influence and impact of design. Students will also develop the knowledge and skills necessary for management positions within the industry such as knowledge and technical skills, critical thinking, creativity and innovative skills, contextual understanding, entrepreneurship, lifelong learning, industrial development and research methodology skills.
The Institution recognises the importance of practical experience and its value to employers. The industrial placement with its WBL emphasis holds a significant place in this degree as it allows students to obtain first-hand exposure before taking up employment after graduation. The WBL will take place at the end of the study for a duration of one year to expose students with the actual working environment. Students have the opportunity to work in any creative companies and agencies as part of the WBL programme.
The programme's dynamic combination of specialist knowledge and skills prepares graduates for the challenges of creative thinking that are demanded by today's intensively competitive and global marketplace. The course encourages the development of concept, research, experimentation, analysis and critical awareness, which combines creativity and digital technology knowledge and skills to develop excellent visual communication design projects. The programme provides a rounded experience in visual communication design whilst allowing specialisation in the areas of Branding, Publishing, Advertising or Corporate Identity.
Prospek Kerjaya
Upon completion of the Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication & New Media with Honours programme, graduates will have a wide range of career opportunities such as advertising or media agencies, graphic design firms/studios, editorial and publication companies, as well as in government organisations. The industrial placement and WBL programme will provide opportunities for students to establish contacts with potential future employers. Graduates will also be able to take up middle management positions in the following operational departments of the creative industry sector.
- Ministry of Education
- Ministry of Communication & Multimedia Malaysia
- Ministry of Tourism & Culture Malaysia.
- Kraftangan Malaysia
- Istana Budaya Malaysia
- MiMOS Malaysia (National R&D Center in ICT)
- Suruhanjaya Komunikasi & Multimedia Malaysia
- Majlis Rekebentuk Malaysia (MRM)
- Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC)
- Graphic Designer
- Type Designer
- Print Designer
- Packaging Designer
- Publication Designer
- Branding & Identity Designer
- Corporate Comm. Designer
- In-House Design Consultant
- Digital Printer
- Event Designer
- Photographer
- Film Director
- Illustrator
- Visual Artist
- Exhibition Designer
- Magazine Stylist
- DTP Artist
- Window Display Artist
- Art Director
- Design Director
- Creative Director
- Display Artist
- Video Director
- Animation Designer
- Design Consultant
- Design Services
- Event Management Consultant
- Advertising Firm
- Printing Firm
- Free Lancer
- Entrepreneurship
- Retail Entrepreneurship
Syarat Kemasukan
Lulusan Diploma Lanjutan/Diploma
Tempoh Pengajian : 4 Tahun
Syarat Am
- Warganegara Malaysia ;DAN
- Lulus SPM atau peperiksaan yang diiktiraf setara dengannya oleh Kerajaan Malaysia ;DAN
- Mendapat kepujian dalam Bahasa Melayu/Malaysia di peringkat SPM ;DAN
- Memiliki kelulusan Diploma atau kelulusan lain yang diiktiraf setaraf oleh Kerajaan Malaysia
Syarat Khas Program
- Lulus pengajian peringkat Diploma Politeknik yang berkaitan ;ATAU
- Lulus pengajian peringkat Diploma Teknologi yang berkaitan daripada Kolej Komuniti dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya HPNM 2.00 ;ATAU
- Lulus pengajian peringkat Asasi TVET Politeknik dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya HPNM 2.00 ;ATAU
- Lulus pengajian peringkat Matrikulasi KPM / Asasi dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya PNGK 2.00 ;DAN
- Calon perlu memperoleh kelulusan Band 3.0 dalam Malaysian University English Test (MUET) dalam tempoh pengajian sebagai syarat bergraduat ;DAN
- Calon TIDAK mempunyai buta warna dan ketidakupayaan fizikal / anggota sehingga menyukarkan kerja-kerja amali
- Lulus temuduga
1 | Diploma Politeknik |
| Diploma Animasi Kreatif |
| Diploma Pengajian Video Dan Filem |
| Diploma Reka Bentuk Fesyen |
| Diploma Rekabentuk Grafik |
| Diploma Rekabentuk Industri |
| Diploma Seni Digital |
| Diploma Teknologi Kreatif Digital Animasi (WBL) |
| Diploma Teknologi Kreatif Digital Produksi Video (WBL) |
| Diploma Teknologi Kreatif Digital Seni (WBL) |
| Diploma Teknologi Maklumat |
| Diploma Teknologi Maklumat (Teknologi Digital) |
| Diploma Teknologi Media Cetak (WBL) |
2 | Program Matrikulasi KPM |
| Jurusan Sains / Kejuruteraan |
3 | Asasi Fizikal / Sains / Kejuruteraan |
| Aliran Sains / Kejuruteraan / Fizikal |
4 | Diploma Kolej Komuniti |
| Diploma in 3D Animation Technology (WBL) |
| Diploma in Games Art Technology (WBL) |
5 | Asasi TVET |
| Asasi Teknologi Kejuruteraan (Asasi TVET) |
* Sekiranya diploma lanjutan/diploma yang dimiliki tiada dalam senarai diatas, sila hubungi Unit Ambilan Pelajar, Bahagian Ambilan dan Pembangunan Pelajar
kembali ke atas
- Warganegara Malaysia
- Mendapat sijil APEL (Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning) daripada MQA untuk kemasukan ke diploma (Tahap 4)
- Mempunyai pengalaman bekerja dalam bidang berkaitan
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