Sarjana Muda Sains Pengurusan Pelancongan dan Hospitaliti dengan Kepujian

Sinopsis Program

The Bachelor of Science in Tourism and Hospitality Management with Honours program provides students with an understanding of the complexity of the local and international tourism and hospitality industry, multidisciplinary skills and the ability to critically examine the influence and impact of tourism. Students will also develop the knowledge and skills necessary for management positions within the industry such as knowledge and skills, critical thinking skills, creativity and innovation, contextual understanding, entrepreneurship, lifelong learning, industry development and research methodology skills. Graduates will be expected to take up middle management positions, entrepreneurs, innovators and other professional's roles within the local and international tourism & hospitality industry. 

The Institution recognizes the importance of practical experience and its value to employers. Industrial Placement (WBL) holds a significant place in the degree as it allows students to obtain first-hand exposure before taking up employment after graduation. The WBL will take place at the end of studies for one year to expose students with the real international working environment. Students have the opportunity to follow practical training sessions at any of Malaysian Association of Hotels (MAH) or Malaysian Association of Tours and Travel Agents (MATTA) locally and international. With the international dimension of the tourism industry, and the continuous need for interaction, it is vital for students to be conversant in a foreign language such as Arabic, Mandarin, French and Japanese that has been incorporated in the curriculum over two semesters.

Prospek Kerjaya

Upon completion of the Bsc. (Hons) International Tourism and Hospitality Management program, graduates will have a wide range of career opportunities to choose from, such as hotels, restaurants, airline companies, travel agents, tour operators as well as in government organisations. The industrial placement and WBL programme will provide an opportunity for students to establish contacts with potential future employers. Graduates will also be able to take up middle management positions in the following operational departments of the both national and international hospitality sector. 

There are numerous possible career paths as: 

      - Front Office Manager
      - Executive Housekeeper
      - Food and Beverage Manager
      - Sales and Marketing Manager
      - Purchasing Manager
      - Tour Manager
      - Tourism Officer
      - Park Coordinator
      - Travel and Tour Supervisor
      - Event Coordinator
      - Government Officer
      - Lecturer

Syarat Kemasukan

Lulusan Diploma Lanjutan/Diploma
Tempoh Pengajian : 4 Tahun

Syarat Am

  1. Warganegara Malaysia ;DAN
  2. Lulus SPM atau peperiksaan yang diiktiraf setara dengannya oleh Kerajaan Malaysia ;DAN
  3. Mendapat kepujian dalam Bahasa Melayu/Malaysia di peringkat SPM ;DAN
  4. Memiliki kelulusan Diploma atau kelulusan lain yang diiktiraf setaraf oleh Kerajaan Malaysia
Syarat Khas Program
  1. Lulus pengajian peringkat Diploma Politeknik yang berkaitan ;ATAU
  2. Lulus pengajian peringkat Diploma Kolej Komuniti yang berkaitan daripada Kolej Komuniti dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya HPNM 2.00 ;ATAU
  3. Calon perlu memperoleh kelulusan Band 3.0 dalam Malaysian University English Test (MUET) dalam tempoh pengajian sebagai syarat bergraduat ;DAN
  4. Calon TIDAK mempunyai buta warna dan ketidakupayaan fizikal / anggota sehingga menyukarkan kerja-kerja amali
1Diploma Politeknik
 Diploma Pelancongan Rekreasi
 Diploma Pengurusan Acara
 Diploma Pengurusan Hotel (WBL)
 Diploma Pengurusan Hotel dan Katering
 Diploma Pengurusan Pelancongan
 Diploma Pengurusan Pelancongan (Taman & Rekreasi)
 Diploma Pengurusan Resort
 Diploma Perkhidmatan Makanan Amalan Halal
 Diploma Seni Kulinari
2Diploma Kolej Komuniti
 Diploma in Culinary Arts (WBL)
 Diploma in Hotel Management (WBL)
 Diploma In Patisserie (WBL) - Ambilan Januari

* Sekiranya diploma lanjutan/diploma yang dimiliki tiada dalam senarai diatas, sila hubungi Unit Ambilan Pelajar, Bahagian Ambilan dan Pembangunan Pelajar

kembali ke atas
Lulusan APEL
  1. Warganegara Malaysia
  2. Mendapat sijil APEL (Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning) daripada MQA untuk kemasukan ke diploma (Tahap 4)
  3. Mempunyai pengalaman bekerja dalam bidang berkaitan

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Tempoh Pengajian

8 semester

Semua maklumat yang dipaparkan adalah benar dan betul pada masa tarikh dan masa diterbitkan dan tertakluk kepada pindaan dari masa ke semasa. Jabatan Pendidikan Politeknik dan Kolej Komuniti tidak akan bertanggungjawab terhadap sebarang kerosakan atau kehilangan yang dialami disebabkan oleh penggunaan maklumat dalam laman web ini.